Coach Chrissy

Hey Ya'll! I'm Coach Chrissy

Do you want to turn your passion into profit? I'm Coach Chrissy, and I teach beginner-friendly courses on Paper Crafting, Party Favors, Business Strategy and Graphic Design using Photoshop and Canva. Every course I teach will help optimize your business for growth. 

I'm a Collaborative Coach with Innate Academy where I teach weekly classes on how to navigate Photoshop templates in just five to ten minutes.  Innate Academy templates help you to create stunning products that look like they took hours to design and create. 

With my guidance, you'll go from crafting as a hobby to earning money in your sleep! I will teach you tips and strategies on transitioning from a hobby selling by word-of-mouth and in your DMs into turning a profit by implementing proven strategies to grow a successful Etsy and Shopify store. 

I take great pride in giving you the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. Join me and let's design the life you want!